Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dead End !

When she was younger I wished she was older so I can rationalize with her..but now that I can rationalize and she understands whats to come..I wish she was younger and didnt have a clue...

the Statue of Liberty...

Myah girl !

I hate this face..the look of fear and the look to see if I'm going with her..

But I was not allowed...she she screamed MOMMA all the way down the hall...brought me straight to my knees...

In Recovery...

So we were scheduled without notice to the OR after going in for a follow-up doctors appointment..Nothing like getting caught off guard. But we felt that they were confident on what needed to be done and they spoke with such promise..I should of known better..I heard everything I wanted to hear..and just jumped...

Needless to midst of everything the nurse tells us that they had to send an ambulance out to another hospital to borrow a machine that they needed for Mayh in the OR...WHAT? this is not like trading baseball cards..who the hell trades and swaps mid case..WHO? I hit the roof...anxiety was setting in and I was about to lose my Christian composure...I felt my NY truck driver mouth making its way to the tip of my tongue...

4 hours pass..and the surgeons came out and told us that they were not going to proceed any further...the facilty and staff are not equipped to handle a case like hers. they spoke to their colleagues in Miami Childrens and Joe Dimaggio hospital and they concur.

so you Quit? QUIT? Who the F quits? Well I am not quitting..I AM NOT QUITTING...


1 comment:

Brenda said...

No! Do not give up - you are the best parents on the planet. Your gut and the Good Lord will guide you. XXXXXOOOOOOO

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