Friday, February 4, 2011

Myah breaks down her ABC's

Please turn volume off on my music in the right column.

Well I have been doing some volunteer work in thePublic school district for a program called Junior Achievements. I basically go in the classroom and talk about the community, the difference between NEED and WANT, money, finances, education ect...I love it and so do the kids...I've doing it for a few months now and my boys are in the classes....

But since Myah goes to a Special Needs school which is in another town and another facilty I have been pulling her out to join me...It was then that it dawned on me that Myah deserves to be main streamed. Her school disagrees because she technically has a medical issue and needs support services (OT,speech ect)and not all of the schools can accomodate her to the level that she needs. Plus there "WAS" the diaper issue...but she is in panties now.

So I decided to go up against the Board of Ed and fight for my daughter..I am sick of her being an "exclusion"...Lets make her an "inclusion". I want her to go to school with her siblings, I want her to participate in gym and school events...

We are already a multi-racial family, her adoption is known by all...I dont need her feeling anymore different...

Fighting for my daughter....whether its medical or educational..momma got your back !

1 comment:

Mom 2 Four said...

She is precious! Love the hat!

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