More testing for Myah. We have done them a gazillion times and each time its harder and harder..We know that from previous ultrasounds that her urine was backing up into her 1 solitary kidney (she only has one), which if not fixed, will cause kidney failure. They also discovered during her pressure test that she has what they refer to as an “angry” bladder. Apparently her bladder won’t let itself fill calmly like it should. As soon as the littlest bit of saline was pushed into it, it started to contract. But due to the nerve damage, her urinary sphincter stays closed which resulted in the saline getting pushed back up into the kidneys. So that is apparently what happens when her bladder trys to fill with urine as well. Urine in the kidney is NOT good.
The urodynamic testing covers Post Void Residual, Cystometrogram, Electromyogram, Leak point pressure and Uroflow and then the VCUG, well that another horror story...this is all done while she is awake and papoosed down to the table while they thread catherers into her. And she not being able to talk kills me cause he facial expression speaks volumes..
Please Lord get us through this , she has had just about enough...! And to think we have to re-do all these tests again this summer at the NY hospitals...Grrrr..
1 comment:
Rina, know that I am praying for you and your family. I was reading a blog yesterday of a family going through their own struggles with adoption and something she wrote really just tugged at my heart:
"I wallow, I cry, I hide under the covers, I beg God to take the pain away, to work a miracle, to bring Kirill home. And I hear his voice saying, "I love Kirill more than you. I know your pain. I see your suffering. Trust me. Seek me. Listen to me. And know that I AM GOD...and you are not."
It just spoke volumes to me and my struggles, my hurt,and my pain. In the midst of all our trials God IS in control. Stay strong my friend. We serve a mighty God.. the Great Physician.
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