As most of you know Myah is a Make-A-Wish- Foundation recipient. We were sent to Give Kids The World Village in Orlando , Florida for a week. Not sure if any of you are familiar with the village but please take the time do learn about it. (
Give Kids The World is a non-profit organization that exists only to fulfill the wishes of all children with life-threatening illnesses and their families from around the world to experience a memorable, joyful, cost-free visit to the Central Florida attractions, and to enjoy the magic of Give Kids The World Village.
I was on their website and saw that on March 21,2011 Perkins Restaurant was serving free pancakes if you made a donation to Give Kids The World. I spoke to the kids and asked if it was something they wanted to do...and before I can finish my sentence they ran upstairs to grab their piggy banks..
I explained to them that if they donated their money then they would have to start from scratch on saving for the things they wanted..but they were set on paying it forward...Payingit forward to the ones who initially gave to us...Funny how things came full circle hey?
So they walked in the restaurant and immediately the manager came out and asked if he could help. My boys explained how Give Kids The World gave to us and they wanted to give they began emptying their piggy banks..
they started filling up the donation box...coin by coin...
as I read the side of their piggy banks it dawned on me that I have amazing kids...Mitchells piggy bank read "$ for Myah college". He knew that we had made a very hard decision a few months back..we had to cash in her college was very hard for us as parents ..taking away her future to pay for the present...still losing sleep over that decision. I feel sometimes as if I am agreeing with the doctors on her destiny..the fact that one day she might not make it there..but it gave me hope and a goal knowing that her college fund was there..something to look forward to..and that is now I can only look forward to the next renal panel, urodynamic testing and surgery...
There wasnt a dry eye in that restaurant..the manager didnt know how to compensate us..we didnt want anything..just to gie back..but he insisted that the kids take a Give Kids The World bear as a good deed token...
I pray everyday that she out grows this shirt...that her health takes her far beyond the size of the shirt...that's my wish !
so in the end we walked out with a wonderful bear, full belly's, empty piggy banks and a warm heart...and the saving will start from scratch again...because anything is possible if you just BELIEVE !
Again, you make me cry at work! I just love you and your family so stinkin' much!! God is transforming me in so many ways right now it is scary and amazing at the same time. I am learning that I don't need most the things I have and sacrifical giving to others is so much better than any outfit, shoes, or a yummy meal at our favorite eating out place. I see your precious children have learned that early on. Rina God has blessed you greatly!!
Dearest Rina: You are raising children that will know what true love, sacrifice and hard work are all about. The empty piggy banks will re-fill. The spirit of giving is a bottomless pit in your kids - because of you and the way you live your life. You are extraordinary in your advocacy for Myah and the way you teach your boys about service and sacrifice. God in Heaven is smiling a big smile, Rina!
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