Ok, so Myah is entering Kindergarten come August. And as we all know she is non-verbal. She is able to say a few words but nothing that constitutes conversation. I've learned that some schools (not our district of course) are allowing students to use Ipads as speaking devices.
The touch screen system that the iPad uses works well with children who have difficulty communicating verbally and are able to use their hands and fingers to manipulate and interact with the iPad screen. There are some apps that have been designed for students who are non-verbal to use in order to indicate what they know, what they want, or what they need.These apps are expensive $400and up... I reached out to everyone and anyone who will listen and was told that there is no money in the budget for this.
So I wrote to Apple, I wrote to every store (Best Buys, Target, Walmart ect) that carry Ipads to see if they have any grants or donate such items to children in need...Haven't heard back from a soul..
Who should pay for augmentative communication devices? Some people are interested in donating iPads. Some believe insurance companies should foot the bill -- something they have been reluctant to do. Part of the reasoning is that are some people who would try to game the system. People aren't apt to fake the need for a wheelchair. An iPad, on the other hand, they might. But how do we put iPads in the hands of those who need the technology to live more normal live?
Does anyone know of grants or companies who help with such a request?
I am totally stumped...I am doing everything to help her get out of the silent world she lives in...
Please advise..
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